Wednesday, February 16, 2011

....and the lies continue

Remember when......

Obama promised during his campaing to cut the deficit in half IN HIS FIRST YEAR.....but now, in only his second buget, we're looking at $1.7 trillion
Obama promised no one making under $250k would see a tax increase, yet we're all paying taxes now on our healthcare, and have had the amount of pre-tax dollars we can put into a health savings account cut

Obama promised that healthcare would not cost us anything, and would bring down spending....yet for the 2012 budget, he's asked for nearly $400,000,000 to hire up the staff he'll need to just AUDIT obamacare.  And what's worse, most of the parts of Obamacare don't come into effect until how many more people will he need when it's fully in place?

...ah......remember when......hope and change.

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