Wednesday, July 13, 2016

It's all just too much!

I haven't blogged in such a long time, and given the current situation in the country, there is literally too much to comment on.

But some quickies....

Black Lives Matter - In Memphis, they only seem to matter depending on who the shooter is.  Nearly 100 black victims of homicide, and 94 of those committed by black suspects.  So let's focus on the 1 officer involved shooting.

Obama - Libya, Syria, more troops in Iraq, troops staying in Afghanistan (just like McCain predicted), Obamacare is triple the estimated cost.

Hillary - really, not locked up?

Trump - Is this the best the republicans can come up with.

Election - I'm sitting this one out.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

...and a REAL Memphis Radio Station Rises From the Dust

Ric Chetter....expelled from the evil empire, has not only stood up, but put his personal self on the line for what he thinks is right in Memphis Radio.....listen and grow people....

Check out the article in the Cooper Young Lamplighter

Thursday, April 7, 2011

How does Harry Reid keep a straight face?

Today, Harry Reid announced that the Republican proposal, for a one-week budget extension, that funds the government for one week, and the military for the rest of the a "non-starter".  Reid went on to say that the President and the Dems have "no interest" in short term funding of the budget.  Really?!?!?  Then what was the decision to NOT pass a budget in 2010, and settle for a CR?  What was the thought process on the last SIX continued resolutions??  What is the interest that has prevented the Senate from voting on ANY budget bill, other than short term extensions, since April of 2010???????

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

When the Government Shutdown....

First of all, let's be real.  Unless you're planning a trip to the Smithsonian, or a public forest, you probably wont know the Government is closed.   Almost everything has been declared "essential" don't freak out.

But if you want to talk about WHY the government shut-down....know this....

It has been over a year since congress passed a budget.  On April 1, 2011...the passed the budget for the year that began on Oct 1, 2010.  Then in June, they announced they weren't even going to try to pass a budget for the year beginning on Oct 1, 2011.  So six times, they've extended the delay. 

Why wouldn't the Dems pass the FY2011 budget last year when they held the majority of both houses and the white house?  Were they afraid to answer for their budget in the November elections? 

And now, the Republican House has passed a budget, that the Democrat Senate wont vote on, or vote on an alternative.  Why are they so afraid to vote....oh, that would be going on the record. 

So when we shut down on Friday....don't look at the Republicans....they passed a budget already....look at the Dems who haven't passed a budget in over a year.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Why is it no one ever tells you the "easy" way to do things....

So we all know by now that I broke my foot (my 5th Metatarsal to be exact) and am in a hard cast for a minimum or two weeks, and perhaps as long as 8 weeks.  Fine, I can deal with that.  During the office visit, my Ortho told me that she'd rather do a hard cast, as opposed to a boot, as it would lend more support.  And since you could now get casts wet, they weren't as much trouble.  "Wait"..I said..."I can let the cast get wet?".  She then explained that the bandaging inside was no longer made of cotton, but was made of a synthetic, and would dry out from some minor dampness.  The nurse then told me how she's had kids that have jumped in pools....and so long as you give the cast the chance to dry're all good.

Still not wanting to just submerge the cast in water, I've been going through the torture of putting a garbage bag over my leg everyday, duct taping it, and doing my best to keep it out of direct water flow.

Well, today, in the shower, it got a bit big deal right!?  But apparently I didn't let it dry enough, I'm beginning to think the padding under my heal is worn away, and it kinda hurts to walk.

So now I find this......a really nifty device that would provide a water tight seal around my leg for the life of the cast.  I can put it on, take it off,  and the cast would remain moisture free!

Why wouldn't my doctor tell me about this!  A $15 fix , available at your friendly neighborhood Walgreen's, that slips on and hefty garbage duct tape....and no wet bandages.

I really think if this doesn't dry out by morning, I'm going to have to get another least this time I'll have the stay-dry cast cover in my back pocket.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Obama Spin...out of control

I had to laugh at the liberal talking heads going off the deep end after Obama launched attacks in Libya.

Rachel Maddow showed about 7 Oval Office addresses from every President since Reagan, where they were speaking to America about military actions they've just sanctioned.  Maddow commented that at least Obama wasn't doing a White House presser, and pounding his chest about Libya.  So all this time I thought Maddow was anti-war, and in truth, she's okay with it, so long as the announcement comes from an acceptable venue.

Ed...from the thoughtfully named "The Ed Show".....took a special commentary to say..."on this, Mr. President, I'm with you".....really....because Ed hasn't been with Obama on EVERY OTHER ISSUE SINCE DAY ONE!

Chris Matthews ranted that Republicans had no credibility in asking for a clear mission statement, or exit strategy...because they never asked Bush 43 for it.  I guess Chris doesn't allow for the possibility that the Republicans may have learned something from the Bush mistake, and don't want to see it happen again.

At this point in his Presidency, I have to wonder how anyone that voted for Obama can be happy.

He promised to close Gitmo...and it's still open 2 years after he signed the law to close it.

He promised universal healthcare, and a year after signing that law, we don't know what's in the law, or how much it will cost.

He promised to end the two wars we were in...he's expanded activity in Afghanistan, and there are still troops in Iraq...just like McCain said there would be.  AND, he's now got us in Libya.

Oh well, I'm sure they are all still warm and fuzzy......and in love with Hope and Change.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Obituary for Rock103

As you all know, I've had a special connection to Rock103 for several years.  Ric Chetter is a close friend, and I always considered John to be a friend too.  I wont go into anymore details than Ric did about his departure, except to say the way they treat people sucks.

After John passed away, I was compelled to write the "powers that be" at Clear Chanenl...below is the content of my email, and the content of their response.

My letter:

So now that John McCormack is dead and gone.  I wonder what your plans for this classic Memphis station are? I’m truly wondering why the core cancer at the center of the decline of this station, Tim Spencer, is still standing?

If you look at the steady decline to this station, and the other clear channel affiliates…you can track it back almost to the day Mr. Spencer became programming and then operations manager.

  • Fire Bev Hart….nope that wasn’t the fix.
  • Run off Drake and Zeke….didn’t really help.
  • Mike Fleming and Ben Ferguson…gone…but ratings still decline.
  • Fire Luca Lindner…for what?
  • Re-hire Jennifer Reed…only to be left hanging by her….everyone saw that coming…except Mr. Spencer
  • Terminate Dennis Phillipi, and kill the afternoon show that was leading it’s ratings slot….why? So you can start auto tracking your mid-day and afternoon shows… we wouldn’t notice?
So there ends up with Ric Chetter and John McCormack in the mornings.  A positive move.  They truly generate a listener-ship, and are tracking well….UNTIL….Mr. Spencer decides there is too much talk, not enough music…and thus begins the ratings decline for the morning show.  His answer? Un-do the lack of interaction with the listener…no…dump Mr. Chetter, who by the was the only person that could do Mr. Spencer’s job (a threat to Mr. Spencer?), bring in a Northern syndicated show (which blows)..and pair himself with the #1 radio personality in Memphis in the afternoons (recorded).  Why?

When a manager fixes something, that isn’t broken, to bolster his own position, I have to wonder what he’s really up to.  By making this last change, he eliminated the one person in the building that could replace him, and hitched his wagon to the one remaining star, all at the same time.

I have news for you…the common denominator in all this is Mr. Tim Spencer.  Tim has never tracked well with the public, he comes across smug, arrogant, and detached.  When Bev left the morning show, ratings continued down.  When Tim left, and Ric came on…ratings went up, until Tim “fixed” the programming.

I just don’t understand how the station can continue to decline, and the man in charge is not held accountable, while the few shining rays of hope you have, are allowed to be let go, or encouraged to leave.  Seems like very bad upper-management.

Memphis is a unique market.  Not just in radio, but in all business.  Several others have tried to pipe in shows from other markets, and it just doesn’t work here.   I don’t know if you have access to the Rock103 Facebook page, but I could not find ONE comment that was a positive toward the removal of the morning show, or towards the new show that replaced it.  Not ONE!  There were some “I’ll give it a shot”….but since then, not one “I like it”…..NOT ONE!!!  Isn’t that amazing?  No one said, hey, moving John to afternoons, and ending the Bad Dog and Ric show was a good idea.  None.  If you take a look at the hundreds of comments made, it is likely 98% were negative, and 2% indifferent.

Mr. Spencer is a bad manager, and a worse on-air talent.  He has attempted to cover this up by sacrificing other talent and personnel in order to improve the station, and each time it has failed, save one.  Partnering Ric and John, which he then began to undermine to the point of failure.

I’m also curious, with the Urban stations in equal decline…why are there personnel changes over there? Or is Mr. Spencer not manager enough to handle the out-cry that would come from the Urban community.

With the long years of decline, surely corporate can see Mr. Spencer has killed a long standing Memphis tradition in Rock103.

Clear Channel is quickly heading to becoming equal to Flinn Broadcasting in Memphis.  Canned talent, lame shows, and no followers.

All you need to do now to complete the kill is change to a country format, and use such catchy on-air names are “Toad Spencer”, and “Leslie Lizard”….to complete the transformation.

Rick Cail
Former Listener and Fan

And their response:

Rick Cail:

Thank you for your email and comments related to programming issues at our Memphis radio station group.
While I agree with you that change is difficult to accept ,especially in light of recent events at Rock 103, I would urge you to give any and all changes to the programming there a real chance to succeed.
We know that it takes time for any new show, personality, format to be accepted and we appreciate your consideration and opinions going forward .

George C. Toulas

Sent from my iPad
So, despite the hundreds of comments on Facebook about the dislike for the new show, the hundreds of requests for the return of Ric Chetter, and the fact that since Mr. Tim Spencer has taken charge of the has done nothing but decline...the powers that be think everything is fine.

Farewell Rock103.....I guess Bad Dog wasn't the only Memphis landmark that passed away this month.