Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hollywood is officially out of new movie ideas....

I'm guessing it had to happen eventually.  Hollywood is fresh out of ideas for movies. 
I just read an article the other day that 2011 would have more sequels opening than any other year in history.  Not that all sequels are bad.  For instance, we all know that the even numbered Star Trek movies were good....up until the one where they killed Kirk. 

But now, on top of the overly high number of sequels....we're learning that Hollywood is remaking tons of old movies.  They even have a new word for it...."reimagining"!  We all already know about them remaking "True Grit"...and despite all the hype they could throw behind it....the movie didn't fair very well at the box office.  And then there was the most recent "Karate Kid" remake....enough said.

This brings me to my current point....Mr. Brand here is now going to be the new "Arthur"...that's right!  And the role of Hobson, the dutiful butler....has gone to a woman...Helen Mirram (sic)?  Why?  Oh, and to make the movie totally outrageous, Nick Nolte is Burt Johnson...probably not much of a stretch playing a half insane gun toting maniac.

But it that doesn't send you over the top, maybe these little ditties will, all in some phase of production...

  • "They Live", although without Roddy Piper it maybe okay
  • "Romancing The Stone"
  • 1950's "The Incredible Shrinking Man"
  • "Fantastic Voyage"
  • "Back to School".....only with Cederic The Entertainer in Rodney Dangerfield's role
  • "Meatballs"
  • "The Dirty Dozen"...oh hell no
  • "Red Dawn"
  • "The Thing"....because 2 versions weren't enough
  • "The Birds"
  • "Poltergeist"
  • "Westworld"
  • "Logan's Run"
  • "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"
  • "Flash Gordon"......I'm actually kinda happy about that one....hated Sam Jones.
  • "Forbidden Planet"......a one of a kind classic
The list actually goes on, and on.  In just a few articles, I found 55 movies being remade, 23 more TV shows heading to the big screen (Dallas, Chips, and Magnum PI....with Matthew McConnaghy ), and some 38 sequels over the next two years.

Can't anyone come up with a new idea!

I'm quitting my job, and going to start writing for the movies.  Maybe I'll reimagine the "Miami Vice" movie...and this time make a good one.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Liberal Hypocrisy Abounds....

Remember a few weeks back when all the Dems and Libs were screaming that it was the Conservative "vitriol" that caused the shootings in AZ?  And they screamed, that us conservatives MUST stop the hate speech.  Remember that?  Cause I don't think they do.

This guy, Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore), got pretty upset when a Republican Congressman commented that we didn't need to add nearly 5,000 new "goon squad" members, when talking about Obama's budget to increase IRS agents by 5,000 (a topic in and of itself).  He railed about the inflammatory language, and chastised his counter part.
Well, how about a few weeks ago when some called for the lynching of Justice Clarence Thomas?  Anyone hear from Blumenauer then?  How about Jessie Jackson?  Did we see Rev. Al Sharpton burning up the airwaves, screaming for apologies and ousters?  Of course not, because Justice Thomas is a conservative.....and we all know that in order to say something racist or inflammatory, you have to say it against a liberal.  If you say it to a's called "free speech".

So when Gifford got shot in AZ, the left went after Sarah Palin, and blamed it on a website she had, using cross hair targets to indicate races they were targeting last year.  The inference being that because Sarah painted a target on the state of AZ, that caused the shooting to happen.
So I'm sure Lawrence O'Donnell will be all over the people who held this sign up in Wisconsin this week, and denounce them as hate mongers and radicals.  But no, he wont.  Because these are union workers, and we don't want to upset them.  They've been asked to pay 5% of their pension costs, and 12% of their healthcare that gives them the right to say and do anything they want, to whomever they want....cause they're Democrats.

How about this....when Ann Coulter referred to Obama as being like Hitler....the screams could be heard all over MSNBC, CBS, and so on.  There were calls for her to be banned from television, and she was run off stage from a speaking engagement at a university. 

That is why I expect Ed Shultz (The Ed Show) and Rachel Maddow, to call for their network to boycott coverage of the Wisconsin union protests, the participants of which have taken to using images such as these....

Of course, all of us conservatives should really bow down to the intelligence of these Union members and leaders.  They know better.  The governor of Wisconsin is only doing this to bust up their has nothing to do with the $3B budget problem.....the union knows WAY better than the republican led legislature....they should....look who they use as a reference....

....and we all know......Bieber know it all!!!

In the end, what this is about, is a group of people, who organized themselves years ago, and bullied the government into giving them way more than they deserved.  They used threats of strikes, intimidation, and a mob mentality to push around the government.  Basically gang tactics.

Well now there's a new gang in town...the conservatives...and we're not lying down anymore.  We're bigger, stronger, and we'll use the same tactics against you, that you used against us.  We will intimidate you into voting, we will threaten to fire you if you don't work, and our mob in the Wisconsin Senate will take on your mob, 76-14're out numbered.

Don't like it?  Well we learned it all from suck on it!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This is just sad.....I would hope someone would miss me sooner than this...

AN office employee who died in her work cubicle was not discovered until the day after her death.
Rebecca Wells, 51, was found hunched over her desk at the LA County of Internal Services by a security guard on Saturday afternoon, KTLA said.
Police said she may have been dead since Friday afternoon. The grandmother was last seen alive about 9am on Friday.
Investigators have not determined the official cause of death, but they said foul play was not suspected.
"I came in Saturday to do a little work, and I saw them when they were taking her out," co-worker Hattie Robertson told KTLA.

....and the lies continue

Remember when......

Obama promised during his campaing to cut the deficit in half IN HIS FIRST YEAR.....but now, in only his second buget, we're looking at $1.7 trillion
Obama promised no one making under $250k would see a tax increase, yet we're all paying taxes now on our healthcare, and have had the amount of pre-tax dollars we can put into a health savings account cut

Obama promised that healthcare would not cost us anything, and would bring down spending....yet for the 2012 budget, he's asked for nearly $400,000,000 to hire up the staff he'll need to just AUDIT obamacare.  And what's worse, most of the parts of Obamacare don't come into effect until how many more people will he need when it's fully in place?

...ah......remember when......hope and change.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

So here it is again, Valentine's Day.  And in the course of just this morning, I've already heard from two of my female friends who hate this day, two that are indifferant, and a host of folks on Facebook that have posted some negative thoughts on the day. So let's deal with the obvisous....yes this is a "Hallmark Holiday".  No doubt about it.  And I also tend to agree with those that say "I don't show my love just one day a year"...or, "I don't show my love just because it's a certain day"....all very valid points.  However, much like Christmas, which isn't the only time of year that we "give" is a day set aside for giving.  Either a gift, or of one's self, or one's time. 
So when you don't participate, where does that leave the person who should have been the recipient of your card?  Do they also agree with the "it's just a stupid fake holiday".  It seems to me that your opinion might depend on which side of the holiday you're on.  If you HAVE someone you love, then this isn't really a big deal.  You both know it, and show it year round.  If you DON'T have anyone...well then, you maybe be a bit cynical about how it's not important.  The ones I find most interesting are those that are on the fence.  They have someone, but maybe it's early in the relationship, they aren't sure of their place...."where this is going"...and while they wont admit it....desperately want that card or flowers to show up, so they know where they stand.

It's a mess, and confusing, just like men and women have been for thousands of years.

In my personal opinion, and I would recommend this position to all my male friends in long-term relationships.  Send those flowers, and buy those cards.  The biggest reason is not so your lady knows you love her...she already knows.   It's so she can get that sense of satisfaction when that delivery guy shows up at her office...and parades those roses down the hallway to her desk.  It's for the benefit of the women around her, to make her queen of the pack.