Rachel Maddow showed about 7 Oval Office addresses from every President since Reagan, where they were speaking to America about military actions they've just sanctioned. Maddow commented that at least Obama wasn't doing a White House presser, and pounding his chest about Libya. So all this time I thought Maddow was anti-war, and in truth, she's okay with it, so long as the announcement comes from an acceptable venue.
Ed...from the thoughtfully named "The Ed Show".....took a special commentary to say..."on this, Mr. President, I'm with you".....really....because Ed hasn't been with Obama on EVERY OTHER ISSUE SINCE DAY ONE!
Chris Matthews ranted that Republicans had no credibility in asking for a clear mission statement, or exit strategy...because they never asked Bush 43 for it. I guess Chris doesn't allow for the possibility that the Republicans may have learned something from the Bush mistake, and don't want to see it happen again.
At this point in his Presidency, I have to wonder how anyone that voted for Obama can be happy.
He promised to close Gitmo...and it's still open 2 years after he signed the law to close it.
He promised universal healthcare, and a year after signing that law, we don't know what's in the law, or how much it will cost.
He promised to end the two wars we were in...he's expanded activity in Afghanistan, and there are still troops in Iraq...just like McCain said there would be. AND, he's now got us in Libya.
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