I was amused yesterday watching the Sunday talk shows. Sen Dick Durbin (D), was on with Mike Wallace, and during his interview, he made the statement that "they (the GOP), can't focus like a laser on the deficit, to the point that it hurts job growth"...I'm some what paraphrasing.....but the key word here is "laser"...and "job growth". In Obama's "State of the Union" address in 2010, he said that he had heard the American people, and implied that he now understood he spent too much time on Healthcare reform, and would focus "like a laser" on jobs in 2010! Wow, and what has that focus got us? A 17% unemployment rate, declining small business growth, and an unsure economy!!!!
Before some tries to tell me the unemployemnt rate is only 9.4% (ONLY!), first off.....even if that number were true, it hasn't moved since Obama turned his laser-like attention to jobs, and second...it's not a true number. All economists agree, that by the time you add in those that have been unemeployed so long, they've come off the benefits rolls, and just given up...the true number is more like 17%......so suck it if you don't like it.
So what will Mr. Obama tell us tomorrow night during his 2011 State of The Union? What will now draw his "laser" attention for 2011? Truth be told, he's so effective when he focuses on a problem, I personally wish he'd devote all his time to coaching the New York Jets......so they could also be a failure in 2011!
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