I'm really not sure why I found it so satisfying to lean that Olberman had been shit-canned from MSNBC. It's not like I had anything to do with it. But, it did give me some personal satisfaction from the point that I've had long standing debates with people I know (I wont call them friends) that think this guy is intelligent. Of course, when I critize ole' Keith...I always get the same "oh, I guess you prefer rush"...come back. Not any real facts in a defense, just attack that I must be a Rush fan. I didn't know disliking Olberman automatically made you a Rush fan. Oh well, with that level of incoherent debate, I can see why they think Olberman is a braniac.
I was even more pleased to learn that he is contractually prohibited from returning to TV for 6 months. I figure by then, Lawrence O'Donnell (self professed Socialist) will be out too..and they can start a radio buddy show. Keith and Larry in the mornings, on Wacky FM 97.1.........boooooooiiiinnnngggg!
Then today I read that Mr. Shultz here, had one of his favorite ranting segments yanked by MSNBC. First off.....let me say....."The Ed Show"?.......That's about as original as PeeWee's Playhouse...and not nearly as entertaining. Anyway...I'm wondering what's going on at MSNBC. They've always claimed their ratings are in the toilet, because most viewers were too uneducated to "get it"...and that they were just morally superior. That could be the ONLY explanation why O'Reilly pulls in 10 times the numbers of Olberman. So maybe, just maybe...they have realized that we viewers DO "get it".....and just don't want the "it" they are selling!