Saturday, January 29, 2011


I'm really not sure why I found it so satisfying to lean that Olberman had been shit-canned from MSNBC.  It's not like I had anything to do with it.  But, it did give me some personal satisfaction from the point that I've had long standing debates with people I know (I wont call them friends) that think this guy is intelligent.  Of course, when I critize ole' Keith...I always get the same "oh, I guess you prefer rush"...come back.  Not any real facts in a defense, just attack that I must be a Rush fan.  I didn't know disliking Olberman automatically made you a Rush fan.  Oh well, with that level of incoherent debate, I can see why they think Olberman is a braniac. 

I was even more pleased to learn that he is contractually prohibited from returning to TV for 6 months.  I figure by then, Lawrence O'Donnell (self professed Socialist) will be out too..and they can start a radio buddy show.  Keith and Larry in the mornings, on Wacky FM 97.1.........boooooooiiiinnnngggg!

Then today I read that Mr. Shultz here, had one of his favorite ranting segments yanked by MSNBC.  First off.....let me say....."The Ed Show"?.......That's about as original as PeeWee's Playhouse...and not nearly as entertaining.  Anyway...I'm wondering what's going on at MSNBC.  They've always claimed their ratings are in the toilet, because most viewers were too uneducated to "get it"...and that they were just morally superior.  That could be the ONLY explanation why O'Reilly pulls in 10 times the numbers of Olberman.  So maybe, just maybe...they have realized that we viewers DO "get it".....and just don't want the "it" they are selling!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Same Old, Same Old

I was amused yesterday watching the Sunday talk shows.  Sen Dick Durbin (D), was on with Mike Wallace, and during his interview, he made the statement that "they (the GOP), can't focus like a laser on the deficit, to the point that it hurts job growth"...I'm some what paraphrasing.....but the key word here is "laser"...and "job growth".  In Obama's "State of the Union" address in 2010, he said that he had heard the American people, and implied that he now understood he spent too much time on Healthcare reform, and would focus "like a laser" on jobs in 2010!  Wow, and what has that focus got us?  A 17% unemployment rate, declining small business growth, and an unsure economy!!!!
Before some tries to tell me the unemployemnt rate is only 9.4% (ONLY!), first off.....even if that number were true, it hasn't moved since Obama turned his laser-like attention to jobs, and's not a true number.  All economists agree, that by the time you add in those that have been unemeployed so long, they've come off the benefits rolls, and just given up...the true number is more like suck it if you don't like it.
So what will Mr. Obama tell us tomorrow night during his 2011 State of The Union?   What will now draw his "laser" attention for 2011?  Truth be told, he's so effective when he focuses on a problem, I personally wish he'd devote all his time to coaching the New York they could also be a failure in 2011!

Friday, January 21, 2011

It's Cold...Again...and I can prove it...

So we have had yet ANOTHER winter weather event.  By the way, how come we can't just say Snow Storm any more?

Anyway, I prove it's too cold outside.....Pam called me about 5:00pm, and asked if we were going to the which I responded with a few seconds of silence....and then said "no".

I believe this may actually be one of the signs of the coming apocalypse!

So, we'll be in tonight....warm...and possibly buy a movie.

Y'all stay warm!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A long....long...weekend

Friday night, knowing I potentially had 15-20 people coming over on Saturday, the wise thing to do was to stay home, get up early, and get the house and garage ready.......that would have been the wise thing to do....but it's not what we did.  Pam was badly in need a happy hour after a hectic week, so that's what we did.  Closing and getting home around 12:30am.

So, the smart thing was to get going early, and get the house ready....well Pam did...she was up, cooking, baking...doing all those things she does so well.  I, on the other hand, did some backward math, and figured out how long I could wait until it was the last possible minute to get the poker room ready.  Actually, I did take down Christmas outside too, and there was alot to do in the garage, so I ended up feeling pretty good about what I got done.  We even got half of the inside Christmas back up in the attic.

So poker night...along with some football.  11 players, and I tied for first with Jerry Grant, splitting some $600 that was all good.  I was worried we had too much food....but HELL NO...the red beans and rice were a huge hit...and there was barely a bowl left.

So Sunday, was the Patriots game, and the smart thing to do after two late nights, was to stay in my sweats and watch the game.   That would have been the smart thing....had I done that.  I actually ran a service call to the icehouse, and then went to the bar just in time for kick-off.  There was much commradery, and libations.......and the Pats lost.  Thank you to the 30+ people that texted me in the 10 minutes following the loss...with all your positive/supportive words....NOT!  Nothing like kicking a guy when he's down.

My friend, and fellow New England fan, Lori...came up to console me.....after she had been taking in mass amounts of Saki across the street.....let's just say it's a good thing I'm built for comfort...

Nap time in the bar!  She's not real happy this picture has ended up on Facebook too!

So Monday, in observance of MLK day, I decided to rest.......and theat meant I didn't do the dishes I was supposed to when Pam got home.....I was in trouble.

Maybe Tuesday will be better!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Bill Maher recently whinned on his show that he thinks Canada, and the United States, have grown apart, and he wishes the USA was more like Canada.  He points at national Healthcare, and lower gun violence than the US, and gays in the military. 

So, here's the thing Billy boy, Healthcare......Canadians stream across the border to use the US healthcare system every day....why is that.  Because they don't like long lings, rationing, and having to wait 6 months for a board of others to decide if they can have their heart surgery or not.  Just like Obama wants to do here.

Lower Gun Crime...while this may be true, they lead in murders and assaults using other weapons, and in crimes invovling alcohol maybe we should outlaw their beer, and see what happens.

On the military, while I have no problem with the gay military...what's the point.  Canada isn't exactly known for it's fearsome fighting forces.  When the shit hits the fan.......who does the world call?  Ottawa?  I think not.

So instead of trying to take my guns, force bad healthcare down my throught, and weaken my military....why don't you just move to Canada and enjoy the eutopia of it all?  I assure you, we will all enjoy seeing you on the Canadian Broadcast Network.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tuscon Shooting

I feel like I need to weigh in on this.

This wing-nut DID NOT shoot anyone because of conservative talking points, or something Sarah Palin said.  Period.  He did it because he's a wack job. 

My frustration is the left-wing rushing to tell convervatives to "shut up" because our talking points caused the violance.

It wasn't a convervative that told thousands to sell the healthcare plan, and if your friends wont listen to "get up in their face"...that was Obama.  He also told them to "bring a gun to a knife fight".  It was a lib from Florida that said Republicans wanted all old people to die.

But I digress....since they want us all to stop speaking our convervative values...I'm assuming there is more they will also try to censor....

- All heavy metal music, since this shooter also listened to that
- All Beatles music, since that was what inspired Charles Manson
- All Jodie Foster movies, for inspiring Hinkley
- All labrador retrievers...for inspiring the Son of Sam

My points are these.....

One, if you work at it, you can give these wack jobs any excuse for being murdering scum, the reality is though, they were gonna do it anyway.

Two, IF you're going to talk about us (conservatives) speaking "vitriol".....please make sure your own house is clean before you try to close up mine!

......I c

Sunday, January 9, 2011

It's Snow Time

Well, I'm sitting here, on what is promised to be the first real snow day of the year....hoping the bottom drops out, and I can cancel all my plans for the next week.  That's the nice thing about working from home.

However, my wife has clients coming in from China, and I'm supposed to be going up to middle Tennessee for a we'll just have to wait and see.

Unlike most folks from this area, we have NOT run out and bought our milk, eggs and no french toast for us.

I grew up in Massachusetts, and have actually seen snow like this....

So these snow drills don't do much for me, but it is fun to watch the natives freak out.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Couple of Quickies....

As I sit here getting ready for my first trip to DC for the year...a few little things jump out at me in recent news.....

...several months ago, the Dems had their congressman from Florida stand up and tell us that the Republican healthcare plan for the ederly was for them "to die"...he even had nice visual aides.  Now, Obama has set a mandate that will pay our doctors to essentially tell our elderly the same thing.  Who's the hypocrite?

...Obama said yesterday he hopes the new Republican lead congress will focus it's attention on creating jobs....wait...didn't he just tell us last year in his state of the union that he was going to focus on jobs like a laser beam????  What happened...did he miss???

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 - New Year, New Blog....same old, same old

So my friend Elizabeth updated her blog today, and it reminded me of how "refreshing" it was to vent on my old blog, so I decided to start doing mine again.  However, because of changes at Google/BlogSpot, I've had to tweek the address, so this is the new site....the old one wont be updated.

2010 Reflections - First, we said goodbye to some very good friends and people.  Brad Carrol, Buddy LeJune, Big Dan Schubert all left way too early.  I think all in all, I attended some 6 funerals this year.  Way too many.

My wife continues to turn her company around, and the pain and suffering of the last three years are starting to pay off.  65% improvement in profit in the last year.  Awesome.

Several new friends that I'm glad to have met....and a few old friends that I was glad to say goodbye too....not that they died, just tired of the drama.

2011 Resolutions - Don't do 'em.  I do have some plans for 2011, and I have to see how the new organization at work plays out.  However, continue with college, and some other things I'm looking into doing on a personal level.

2011 Things I'm Giving Up - Twitter....didn't really like it or use it much, not going back. 

So looking forward, I'm sure there will be plenty of politics to rant about as before, and other useless stay tuned.